Day 3
Wildrose Peak
Saige took off early this morning to report back to base so I was on my own to bag a few peaks I had been wanting in Death Valley. Today's target was was Wildrose Peak. Not the most scenic trail, but it was new to me. I had to cross it off the list!
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After getting back to the car I drove down into the valley. The road was washed out in places, that made the drive interesting
I also visited one of my favorite creatures on planet, the Death Valley Pup Fish. If you have never seen or read about these little guys, they are amazing.
My final stop of the day was the Devils Golf Course. I love the giant salt formations and staring up at the top of Telescope Peak more than 11,000 feet directly above the valley. Camp for the night was Texas Springs, I hiked to the top of the surrounding hills to watch the sunset.
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